The Two that gives me gut to keep going

   Lot of people happens to have lots of problem,though,Lot of people neglects to solve this conundrum and it becomes obfuscate, in which you just want to lay down on bed and cry and say I just want to give up right? You just gonna feel being poignant over this problem...

     In which anime gives me gut to feel better not just anime but also manga. They both give me bliss no one in reality can do. I learned lot of lessons from the pedagogical people that never exist. Some people think that I'm being over reacting but it's not.

     They give me Glee that pierces through my heart. In fact I always rely on them whenever I'm sad, whenever I have problems they comfort that I feel like they were alive, that they are true. That whenever I'm out of place I just gonna read manga so that I will not feel this awkwardness. I always lean on them that I can't live without them. To be honest whenever I want to cry I'll just watch anime and that is the time that I can cry on my own

     They can abolish this frigidness of mine though they may not vanquish it completely but at least they give me gut to keep going.

     So I, myself, through with them I'll instigate my gut to never give up because that's what they told me! I'll never give up!!!!!

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