Image result for anime is not a cartoon    A big tremor of debate has spread that says does anime is a cartoon or not? This is a fight that all otaku`s (anime fan) fight for. That`s why Mr.Otaku choose this topic to solve this problem because most of an otaku can fully able to differentiate between an anime and cartoon. People who usually say anime is just for kids and it just a cartoon are the one who do not take a notice of the uniqueness of the anime.

     Anime came from the word animation and it refers to a colourful graphics, flourishing characters and a realistic and usually a fantasy themes. Anime was originated in Japan and it become famous around early 20th century. “Japan does not want anime to be considered as a form of cartoon. Japan is covered with anime, images and they use anime in everyday life. It is part of their culture. Anime is used to Japanese education, marketing strategies, magazines, movies, and books.” (Seghers, 2016)

    On the other hand cartoon came from the word carton which means a hard paper. Cartoon is usually used a study for a painting. Year past by cartoon is slowly evolving. “Modern age refers to a typically non-realistic or semi realistic drawing or painting intended for satire, caricature, or humour.” (, 2012)

    As we know cartoon is used to entertain and to laugh children and we got used to have a happy ending of it, while anime is focusing at life issues or closer to human emotions and sometimes have more violent and sexual themes and anime is not usually tend to have a happy ending right?

    There are various genre in anime like komodo (for children), shoujo (for girls), shounen (for boys), and a diverse list of genre targeting adult audiences like mecha, a slice of life, harem, sienen, ecchi, etc.” (Chandi, 2015).A lot of anime fan loves this genre like hentai means pervert and it trends especially to boys of course the LGBT community have ecchi for female homosexuality and yaoi for male homosexuality. While cartoon is usually focusing at children in order them to learn, like Dora who used to talk to her watchers.

   We can obviously differentiate anime and cartoon by observing the physical characteristic of the characters. An Anime character is like a human shape like and it includes: eyes, hair, and limbs, etc on the other way cartoon usually describes to be a caricature character.

Facial Expression
There is a lot of facial expression that makes anime difference to cartoon. “Embarrassed or stress character produce a massive sweat drop characters that are shocked or surprised perform a face fault, in which they display an extremely exaggerated expression. Angry characters may exhibit a vein or stress mark effect, where lines representing bulging veins will appear on their forehead. (Moldharia, 2015)

  There are a lot of successful company that brought cartoon and anime such as Studio Peirrot that made a successful anime like Naruto, Bleach, Tokyo Ghoul and etc. Of course Disney Pixar and DreamWorks that brought us a lot of cartoons.

Anime & Cartoon:Definitely Different
 This means that this research proves that anime and cartoon is different to each other. Let me tell you why. For example imagine that there is a mango beside you,it taste sweet and have a smooth texture and there is an apple mango at the top of your table. They are both fruit right? So why don`t you call apple mango a mango instead, or the mango an apple mango right? Yes, they are both fruit but they have a distinct differences which result in either one have different names (mango and applemango), has a different tree, fruit and physical appearance.

  In the same aspect you cannot say that anime is a cartoon because anime is originated from Japan and cartoon is originated from America but in the end cartoon and anime are two separate things as a form of animation however there are many differences between them that make them separated, that is the reason why you called anime an anime and the other called cartoon. It is just the same principle as the explanation of mango and apple mango. So I conclude that anime is not a cartoon.

Works Cited

Chandi. (2015, June 13). topcount. Retrieved March 13, 2019, from (2012, November). Retrieved March 13, 2019, from
Moldharia. (2015, Novemeber 8). Otakukart. Retrieved March 3, 2019, from Animeblog:
Seghers, R. (2016, April 30). Retrieved March 3, 2019, from The Comic Culture:

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